Three realms: Operations Monitoring & Evaluation Change
- Importance for sustainable development: Addis Ababa Action Agenda - III. Data, monitoring and follow-up.
- Need for greater alignment between corporate, national and global sustainability data frameworks: BusinessFor2030 on Indicators for the SDGs citing the September 2014 report by "Measure What Matters": Reporting on sustainable development at national, company and product levels: The potential for alignment of measurement systems in a post-2015 world.
- New opportunities ("shared value") as stakeholders across the socio-technical levels seek to apply the Principles for Digital Development.
- InProgress provides guides for non-profits: monitoring and evaluation.
The interactions concerning the Monitoring & Evaluation of Operations at a certain sociotechnical level (macro, meso, micro, pico) may be included in this dictionary, for example:
- Universal Periodic Review (on human rights) organized within the United Nations system, with per Member State, Periodic Review.
Material and Content Scope
The interface to the material stratum is limited, for instance via printed matter or the energy use of computing centers and communications devices.
In this realm the focus is on communications and the formulation of goals and targets, indicators and the collection of data, the interpretation of data, and other types of content (content life cycle).
As decision making is becoming increasingly knowledge intensive (and data-driven) there is a risk of excessive use of print, including for content that is only useful for a short period of time.
Possible Economies
Economies and shared value can be achieved by a "collaborative" adhering to the Principles for Digital Development, for instance via reuse (reusing content via social web solutions) and the use of open standards (much content can be easily accessed, navigated, analysed, and experimented with (simulation)).
Collective or Individual Action
Too little collective action would increase costs of monitoring and evaluation while reducing the diffusion of best practices: if peers measure different properties and performances, how could investments be allocated efficiently, or how could they practice benchmarking? And how to avoid that competitive pressures on price harm quality and service levels? In the monitoring and evaluation realm important synergies can be achieved by collective approaches.
The elements of monitoring & evaluation
The below figure from Driver-Goal-Gap pattern (Ens Wiki) uses the model elements and layers of the Archimate Architectural Framework for describing some of the elements of Monitoring and evaluation.