The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will support and engage countries in line with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. The Country 2030 Agenda is primarily the sum total of 2030 Agenda initiatives within a country, towards achieving goals and targets which are most pressing in it. Business and households are recommended to align their initiatives with those of the countries where they operate, donate or invest. For improved transparency and visibility, the initiatives in a country and its local government units could be listed in a country's initiative book (Actor Atlas).

The means within the country, that fall under the different chapters of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and their allocation in accordance with …


Name1 Country 2030 Agenda (regulative interaction pattern)
Target Outcome Collective resilience
Social actors and roles The constituency of each country, typically including actors of various types active in economic activities, functions of government (Actor Atlas) and country team of the United Nations.
Trigger or preceding interaction The difference between actual and target values; q shock or the sensing by a group of an alarming trend affecting all in the country. Raised awareness and strategic decision making (preferably) at the level of government or sector.
Interfaces and services See the "AS-IS" and "TO-BE" resources listed in Initiative Management (Wikiworx Academy) - to be specialize per country.
Inputs and outputs inputs: (open) data conveying (to some extent) the level of achievement of the country with respect to the various goals and targets; current operations of industry, financial sector, civil society organisations and public actors; output: responses to the problem awareness, awareness of shocks or trends, with specific actions for stakeholders in the country.
Stores and tools Durable content (lists in the Info-Actant Dictionary) including the systematized content commons available for the country, for instance via its national statistics system.
Other characteristics
Part of
Parts Collaborative diagnostics, Collaborative therapeutics, Regulative cycle, Scenario planning, Programme management, Project management (all restricted to the country)
Succeeding Interactions Each member of the group executing its own Regulative cycle, taking into consideration the expectations expressed in the agreed ''collective therapy'' (the country action plan).
Alternatives ''Sprawl'' initiatives, disaster response, interventions that don't work,…
Action Realm All three realms: Operations Monitoring & Evaluation Change
Risks Letting the opinion of one or a few stakeholder groups dominate the selection of the problem; using weak diagnostic hypothesis (see diagnosis); using treatment (therapy) (interventions) for which their is no evidence; no monitoriing of impact following an intervention;…
Further reading A pattern for the actions that each member state of the United Nations will undertake following its commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Actor Atlas) (full text of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: A/RES/70/1 - Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Arabic , Chinese, French , Russian, or Spanish).

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