The mission is performed and measured at a plateau (target) with the new capabilities planned in Organize and plan and implemented in #CPM04a - Invest & #CPM04b - Execute. Prior to the implementation, the mission was performed and measured at a "baseline" plateau. The purpose of this interaction is to operate the mission and measure performance outcomes against identified metrics.


Name1 Perform and measure
Target Outcome The new capabilities as planned in Organize and plan and implemented in #CPM04a - Invest & #CPM04b - Execute will be operational. The key outcome of this step is measured performance outcomes against identified metrics.
Social actors and roles Depending on the level of scope at which it is performed
Trigger or preceding interaction #CPM04a - Invest & #CPM04b - Execute
Interfaces and services Depending on the level of scope at which it is performed
Inputs and outputs Depending on the level of scope at which it is performed
Stores and tools Depending on the level of scope at which it is performed
Other characteristics
Part of Collaborative Planning Methodology - #pi9
Parts #CPM05a - Deliver service; #CPM05b - Charge users; #CPM05c - Investment repayment
Succeeding Interactions Organize and plan
Action Realm Operations
Risks risks
Further reading Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA).

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