Translation of global goals, targets and indicators to the national context is one area where a national consensus must be forged for the #NFUR00 - National follow up and review - #asd79 as described in the UNDG Guidelines so support country reporting.

Some guidance can be found at the UNDG page on this topic:

Adapting the SDGs to national contexts involves a multi-stage process whereby initial recommendations are made for addressing gaps and then undertaking a more in-depth systems analysis to prepare the foundation for creating policy coherence, identifying synergies and translating intermediate targets into national policy frameworks, including recognition of the interconnectedness of national, transnational, regional and global policy frameworks (by the country and on the country).

Specifically, the UNDG page offers guidance and tools for four tasks:

  • Reviewing existing strategies and plans and identifying areas for change: to scan and detail the landscape of existing strategies and plans at the national, sub-national and local levels and then compare against the global SDGs and targets to identify gaps and provide the basis for recommending areas for change;
  • Making initial recommendations to the leadership of the national government: for addressing SDG gaps in existing strategies and plans whilst recognizing that the SDGs “…are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental.”
  • Setting nationally-relevant targets: for nationally-adapted and inclusive SDGs that are achievable, yet ambitious; and
  • Formulating strategy and plans using systems thinking: to incorporate the recommendations and the insights from the above steps into strategies and plans and matching ambition and commitments with resources and capacities.

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