Further details and references at http://www.worx.wiki/knowledge-conversion .

Internalizing takes place inside the work system operations, and involves its members as they put into practice "innovations".


Name1 Internalizing
Target Outcome Evidence and science based inputs into the learning of stakeholders and actors in work systems
Social actors and roles Actors in work systems acquiring innovative ways of working on the basis of new combinations of knowledge that has been externalized in content actants.
Trigger or preceding interaction Some real world work system.
Interfaces and services The putting into practice of models into the operations of a work system
Inputs and outputs Input: knowledge that has been externalized, combined (and validated), for instance about a work system adding scientific and other knowledge to it
Stores and tools Various tools for presenting content: wikis, videos, manuels, presentations, ..
Other characteristics
Part of The larger whole in which the work system fulfills a function.
Parts It is one of the components of Knowledge Conversion, besides 1 - Socializing, 2 - Externalizing, 3 - Combining for work systems or systems that are embedded in the work system;
Succeeding Interactions The 3 - Combining and explanation for workers of new designs for a class of work systems, so that "better, more sustainable outcomes" can be achieved
Alternatives "Irrelevant" knowledge.
Action Realm Primarily Change as new designs are put into Operations.
Further reading Nonaka, I., Toyama, R., Konno, N., February 2000. SECI, ba and leadership: a unified model of dynamic knowledge creation. Long Range Planning 33 (1), 5–34. URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0024-6301(99)00115-6

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