Collaborative therapeutics views each actor as embedded within multiple interconnected systems.
It targets risks and protective factors both of the individual and his or her context. Collaborative interventions must have the flexibility to attenuate the multiple known determinants of poverty problems (risk factors), while enhancing protective factors. Effective intervention must have the capacity to intervene comprehensively at multiple levels.

The Multisystemic Therapy illustrates the relation between an overal treatment model and specific empirically-based treatment approaches that are focused on a limited aspect of a social ecology.

See also the reference link for further explanations and references to some literature.


Name1 Collaborative therapeutics
Target Outcome an agreed and shared action plan
Social actors and roles designers, clinical practitioners
Trigger or preceding interaction Collaborative Diagnostics
Interfaces and services A collaborative therapeutics guideline clearinghouse.
Inputs and outputs inputs: a diagnostic hypothesis; output: an intervention design, supported by the stakeholders
Stores and tools Treatment/Intervention guidelines, such as those listed at US National Guideline Clearinghouse2.
Other characteristics
Part of Collective Regulative Bundle
Parts See development methodologies, such as those mentioned in principles of the Agile Manifesto.
Succeeding Interactions Implementation, with monitoring and evaluation alongside it.
Alternatives Lobby driven or "sprawl" intervention design; (narrow-minded) expert-driven interventions, …
Action Realm Monitoring & Evaluation
Further reading Collaborative therapeutics (Pragmeta Knowledge Clout).

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