In brief, democracy is both an ideal and a set of institutions and practices.

In the Interaction Dictionary, democracy refers to institutional interactions that comply with the principles of democracy.

As an ideal, democracy expresses two very simple principles: first, that the members of any group or association should have the determining influence and control over its rules and policies, through their participation in deliberations about the common interest; second, that in doing so they should treat each other, and be treated, as equals.

These principles are applicable from the smallest group up to the largest state; how effectively they are realised in practice is the touchstone of how democratic any association can claim to be.

Democracy may exist in a small group up to the largest state.
In the context of the state the dynamic context is covered by the ISIC sector ISIC Section O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security and the Gov. Function 01 General Public Services.


Name1 Democracy
Target Outcome The members of any group or association have a determining influence and control over its rules and policies, through their participation in deliberations about the common interest; In matters of influence and control over rules and policies, members treat each other as equals.
Social actors and roles Parliament, Citizen, Parliamentary Monitoring Organization, Member of Parliament, and other roles listed at Gov. Function 01 General Public Services and ISIC Section O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security.
Trigger or preceding interaction Constitution
Interfaces and services (for states) parliamentary website, analysis tools
Inputs and outputs Input: problem situations, evidence on the performance (of institutions in) society, commitments that are implied by agreements; Output: oversight, legislation and other decisions that solve problems
Stores and tools
Other characteristics
Part of Institutional interactions of a group or association.
Parts Take decisions that matter to all in the group, enact legislation, …
Succeeding Interactions
Alternatives Other forms of governance such as dictatorship, rule of the strongest, …
Action Realm Monitoring & Evaluation Change
Risks be democratic in name only, institutional complexity, slow decision making, …
Further reading The book Parliament and Democracy in the twenty-first Century: A Guide to Good Practice (2006, by David Beetham) (PDF versions in English (1'835 Kb), French (1'984 Kb), Spanish (1'504 Kb) and Arabic (2'500 Kb)), published by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

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