Name Trend of selective reporting
Domain, realm, order and level
Description A trend of selective reporting can be across a number of entities with a similar reporting purpose. For instance the reports of the 2017 voluntary national reviews (VNRs) show such a trend, in spite of the integrated and interrelated aspect of all sustainable development goals.
Actors and roles The target group where the selective reporting is prevalent.
Triggered interaction or value impacts The trend implies less peer learning, it may reduce the chances of long-term success of the endeavour, and it is like to mobilize less resources than needed to achieve the agreed goals.
Token Among governments taking part in the 2017 VNRs of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.
Other characteristics
Further reading The report GUIDING FOR ACCOUNTABILITY: Together 2030 recommendations illustrates such a trend, and it proposes some possible remedies.

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