Lack of interlinkages between themes - #sdt1714
Name | Lack of interlinkages between themes - #sdt1714 |
Domain, realm, order and level | |
Description | A lack of interlinkages between themes that are in an action agenda. For instance in the national action plans that are covered by the 2017 voluntary national reviews (VNRs). |
Actors and roles | The actors working "in siloes" for the initiatives per theme. |
Triggered interaction or value impacts | The lack of interlinkages may imply the missing of synergy and it may neglect how initiatives for one theme create hurdles for initiatives for another theme. Thereby reducing the chances of long-term success of the national action plan, and using mobilized resources in a sub-optimal way. |
Token | For governments taking part in the 2017 VNRs of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable develoment. |
Other characteristics | |
Further reading |
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