Interaction Categories

Bio-socio-cultural interactions among persons and ens, or implied by (a response to) an event, form the foundation for a range of increasingly complex socio-economic interactions in these three realms:

When considering these interactions from the perspective of social actors three kinds of organic origination and development can be considered [1,2]:

  • Ontogeny: the origination and development of an organism or other ens (both physical and psychological) from the time of fertilization of the egg, or the production of an artefact, through the entirety of an organism's or artefact's lifespan (modified from [2]).
  • Typogeny: combining architectural and developmental aspects of an entity type, as well as data on the population of occurrences that have been created during the production phase of the type, or that exist [1].
  • Phylogeny: the evolutionary history of a species or entity types. In practice, writers on evolution often speak of species as "developing" traits or characteristics. It covers the typogenic models of different generations, as well as the steps that have been taken to move from one generation to another.

A talent explosion for sustainable development and resilience is needed in all three realms, involving all social actors in existence, and spurring organic origination and development of all three kinds.

  • Monitoring and evaluations proceed via Semiotic Interactions and will articulate a need for change of systems and their processes.
  • Changes to systems are implemented in the regulative interactions.

Each cross-cutting, specialist or participatory interaction can be positioned both in one of the three realms, and in accordance with the level of scope (as defined in the Common approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture).

Interactions per level of scope

The Common approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture defines a Collaborative Planning Methodology (CPM) that can be used at all levels of scope: international, national, federal, sector, agency, segment, system and application.

The mapping of the Collaborative Planning Methodology - #pi9 activities with the three realms is as follows:

Collaborative planning is also one of the purposes of the 2030 Enterprise Architecture (#2030EA) which looks into the service requirements for the journeys of several stakeholders:

Specialist interactions

These are interactions that are used in specific industrial sectors or scientific disciplines. Typically they are applied by specialists or professionals.

These interactions, and relevant sector interactions lists are included to reflect and deepen the sectoral focus of the Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs).

Participatory or territorial interactions

The participatory interactions are divided in accordance with the geographic scale for which they are undertaken. For the international, country, urban and rural case, it is assumed that public sector agencies are among the key stakeholders. The NGO case is added for interactions (campaigns) that do not directly involve public sector agencies.

For many participatory interactions there will be a process owner that is included in the Actor Atlas and one or more focal durable content actants that are included in the list of content actants. Content actants typically matter at specific social scales (international, national, urban, rural or co-operative).

Cross-cutting interactions

In a sense they are the building blocks of the planning for change to the Techno-commercial Interactions that are articulated for sectors and for the Territorial Interactions.

Attention for these interactions is limited for reasons explained for each of them.

Spatial and Temporal Scales, Material and Content Scope

Interactions occur in time and constitute the dynamics of the system with a spatial extent during a time-window of interest. The entities involved can be material, monetary and content. Institutions will normatively delimit the options available to an actor to pursue certain ends, and it may prescribe the use of specific actants.

Bindings for the Interactions

For each interaction in the dictionary, a descriptive template is completed. This template includes a name and reference part, a continuant binding part, and an occurrent binding part (as explained in the template).

The definition of the components is to affect the content options for nearly all listed interactions. The contrast of prevailing practices with a situation in which use is made of the systematized content commons is based on an estimate of content semiotic performance. This performance is estimated using the principles explained in Content (Ens Dictionary).

The extra attention dedicated to the semiotic performance of content is because overcoming inefficiencies in knowledge markets1 is a main driver for creating and sharing systematized content commons2.

Continuant Binding Options

This part deals with the options for binding the pattern to entities, actants and social actors.

Category orders involved3 stocks and flows involved
Bio-socio-cultural natural order stocks: natural environment, symbols and customs; flows: dwelling, socialization and the passing on of tradition
Semiotic natural order with communication capabilities added stocks: lexicon & grammar, inventories with carriers; flows: conversions (SECI)
Regulative natural and social order work system of interest; data and models; method as social capital; enabled by semiotic interactions, for instance to depict a target situation
Institutional natural and social order with certain technologies added all kinds; social capital as normative and descriptive sources
Techno-commercial natural, social and techno order normative social capital; financial, tangible and non-tangible assets, time
Specialist narrow focus within natural, social and techno order normative (dominant) designs and design specifications as non-tangibles; technology roadmaps; RTD projects
Participatory broad focus involving the natural, social and techno order of the territory normative (dominant) designs, ideas, options, and design specifications as non-tangibles; implementation plans; projects

Each family of interactions involves particular entities from specific ontological strata. Not recognizing the fundamental constituents of the interactions nurtures poor reuse and high modelling and content creation costs.

The orders involved in an interaction family will determine the interaction's continuant signature.

Occurrent Binding Options

This part deals with the options for binding slots of the interaction pattern to other interactions. Usually such a binding will involve the handover or sharing of continuants (objects) via interfaces.

The signatures (structure) of these objects can be further refined.

Specifying them in reference to standard entities, will facilitate their on-the-fly interpretation and configuration, to fit identified purposes in given situations.

1. Jan Goossenaerts: Industrial semiosis: founding the deployment of the ubiquitous information infrastructure. Computers in Industry
Volume 43, Issue 2, October 2000, Pages 189-201.
2. Wikpedia: Ontogeny. (accessed Sept. 29, 2019).